Triangle Branch

Triangle Community Partners

We are committed to making our products accessible to families through partnerships with organizations that offer vital wrap-around services.

Our distribution strategy is designed to cater to the unique needs of each county, and we provide support in two ways:

  1. Open Distribution Partnerships: These programs are inclusive, allowing anyone residing in the partnered county to receive our products once a month.

  2. Closed Distribution Partnerships: For individuals to access our products through these programs, becoming a client of the partnering organization is necessary. We aim to ensure that our products are seamlessly integrated into the supportive services offered by these organizations.

Alamance County

Open Partners

Alamance Elder Care ( Cone Health)

CityGate Dream Center

Durham Community Food Pantry

Closed Partners

Alamance Partnership for Children

Bertie County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Choanoke Area Development Association (CADA)

Caswell County

Open Partners

Durham Community Food Pantry

Closed Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Chatham County

Open Partners

Chatham County Aging Services

Durham Community Food Pantry

Closed Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Chowan County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Economic Improvement Council (EIC)

Cumberland County

Open Partners

Armed Services YMCA Fort Liberty

Catholic Charities - Fayetteville

Closed Partners

Connections of Cumberland County

Durham County

Open Partners

Urban Ministries of Durham
Location: 410 Liberty Street, Durham, NC 27701
Contact at (919) 682-0538
Distribution of diapers: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1-3 p.m. and Tuesday/Thursday 9-11 a.m. and 5-6:30 p.m. Families are eligible every 30 days. IDs for both the parent and children needing diapers are required for the first visit. UMD accepts almost any form of ID (birth certificate, Medicaid, social security cards, bills, medical forms, etc.). Parents receiving diapers also qualify for clothing and food, which are both distributed during those hours of operation (M-Th 9-11).

Welcome Baby
Families may pick up diapers as part of their regular Giving Closet shopping. Giving Closet hours are every Friday from 9:00–1:00 PM. You can come back to Giving Closet every 2 months by appointment only. The first Thursday of the month is for working families between 4:00 and 6:00 pm and is by appointment only, even on the first visit. Families may come 6 times per year.

Durham Community Food Pantry
Wednesdays, 10am-1pm & 5-7pm
Thursdays, 10am-1pm
Location: 2020 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 30, Durham, NC 27707
Contact at (919) 286-1964

Durham Center for Senior Life
*Adult incontinence products only*
Location: 406 Rigsbee Avenue, Suite 202, Durham NC 27701
Please call to schedule an appointment at (919) 688-8247

Closed Partners


Duke Family Medicine & Duke Outpatient Clinic

Duke Family Care Program

Family Connects

Durham County Dept. of Public Health- Pregnancy Care Management

Durham Early Head Start

Durham First in Families

Durham Children’s Initiative (DCI)

Families Moving Forward

Healthy Families Durham

Lincoln Community Health Center

REAL Durham – End Poverty Durham

Franklin County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Franklin-Vance-Warren Opportunities, Inc.

Granville County

Open Partners

Durham Community Food Pantry

Closed Partners

Franklin-Vance-Warren Opportunities, Inc.

Families Living Violence-Free

Greene County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Greene Lamp

Halifax County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Halifax Community College

Choanoke Area Development Association (CADA)

Harnett County

Open Partners

Closed Partners

Harnett County Division on Aging

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Hertford County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Choanoke Area Development Association (CADA)

Hyde County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Economic Improvement Council (EIC)

Lenoir County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Greene Lamp

Martin County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Economic Improvement Council (EIC)

Northampton County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Choanoke Area Development Association (CADA)

Onslow County

Open Partners

Onslow County PEERS

Closed Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Orange County

Open Partners

Orange County DSS

PORCH Chapel Hill - Carrboro

Durham Community Food Pantry

Closed Partners

El Centro Hispano

Orange County Health Department

Pasquotank County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Economic Improvement Council (EIC)

Person County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Person County Department of Public Health - CMHRP

Randolph County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Randolph County Public Health Services

Richmond County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Richmond County Partnership for Children

Robeson County

Open Partners

Robeson County Church and Community Center

Southeast Family Violence Center

Closed Partners

Robeson County Nurse-Family Partnership

Tyrell County

Open Partners

Working to fill this essential need. You can help.

Closed Partners

Economic Improvement Council (EIC)

Vance County

Open Partners

Durham Community Food Pantry

Closed Partners

Franklin-Vance-Warren Opportunities, Inc.

Wake County

Open Partners

Catholic Parish Outreach Food Pantry

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 8:30am-11:30am
Location: 2013 Raleigh Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604
Contact at (919) 873-0245

Closed Partners

Brown Bag Ministries

Oak City Cares

Marcus Harris Foundation - Neighborhood Express

StepUp Ministry

WakeED Partnership

Warren County

Open Partners

Durham Community Food Pantry

Closed Partners

Franklin-Vance-Warren Opportunities, Inc

“Some of the families we serve are led by seniors who are the primary caretakers of their infant & toddler grandchildren. Because they live on fixed incomes, they don't have the disposable funds to purchase diapers and supplies on a regular basis. So, the supplies they receive from you are crucial to them, since they couldn't afford them otherwise.”

Marcus Harris Foundation, Wake County