Period Power
Total Period Products 2013-2023
Total Menstruating Individuals Served
Average Monthly Distribution
Average Monthly Served
1 in 4 Teens and 1 in 3 Menstruating Adults Struggle to Purchase Period Products Due to Lack of Income.
Awareness has grown globally about menstruating individuals struggling because they lack period products. Far less recognized is the impact of this issue right in our own community. A significant portion of low-income menstruating individuals in North Carolina do not have affordable access to the products they need each month.
As with other hygiene products not covered by government programs such as WIC and SNAP (food stamps), menstruating individuals must make difficult trade-offs to cope with the expense of menstrual pads and tampons. They skip rent payments or go without groceries. They use fewer products at the expense of health and hygiene. They substitute by using toilet paper to line their underwear and then worry about embarrassing accidents.
The inability to afford personal essentials increases emotional stress and stigma. It drives menstruating individuals to miss school, work, or social engagements. Above all, it challenges their sense of personal dignity.
At The Diaper Bank of North Carolina, we believe that dignity is not a privilege.
Menstruating individuals deserve to be able to fully participate in their lives, no matter the time of the month. The Diaper Bank of North Carolina is addressing period poverty in the NC community through our Period Power initiative. Period Power allows existing community partners to offer period products to clients who may also be receiving diapers.
Period Supplies are School Supplies.
Through our Period Power initiative, we supply over 300 public schools at the elementary, middle, and high school levels with pads, tampons, black leggings, and underwear so that young menstruating individuals can focus on their learning instead of their basic hygiene.
We are here for menstruating students and individuals. Be here with us.
We know that this is something we can tackle together, and we know you want to help. Here’s how:
1. Dignity Diva
When you buy period products for yourself, throw in an extra pack for menstruating individuals in your community. NOTE: Pads are requested far more often than tampons. Donate those extra products at one of our Donation Hotspot locations across the region. Or order extra supplies off our Amazon Wishlist, and they will come directly to us.
2. Throw a Dignity Party
Invite a group of friends – for drinks, a playdate, coffee, book club, wine club, gardening club, any club, whatever – it doesn’t matter what you do, just invite people you care about and like. Or just add a Dignity Party to a group you already meet with monthly!
Ask each person to bring a box of tampons or pads (NOTE: pads are in higher demand than tampons).
Commit to meeting with this wonderful group once a month (or on a schedule that works for you – every Period Power Club is different).
Donate the extra products at one of our Donation Hotspot locations across the region.
You’re helping while hanging out with good friends!
3. Host a Drive for Period Power
Collecting donations on a larger scale is a great way to spread the word about the need for period products. You can make your drive your own – host it at your office, school, or gym; make it a competition to see how many products people can donate; tack your drive onto another event like a party or awareness week. We encourage creativity! Once you decide you want to host a drive, you can look to our Period Power Toolkit for help getting started. Or contact us at mia@ncdiaperbank.org!
4. Become a Monthly Supporter
Make an ongoing automatic donation to Period Power through our recurring giving program. Donating dollars allows us to get items at a discount through wholesalers and ensures we can stock the items most requested. Head over to our Donate page and subscribe to our sustainers’ program.
5. Period Power Coalition
Period Power Coalition is a statewide coalition of organizations formed to address the issues of menstrual equity and period poverty in North Carolina. Join us as we work together to end period poverty in North Carolina. Learn more here
Printable “Why We Collect Period Products” Infographic
Reference: National study commissioned by the non-profit Feeding America (2013), In Short Supply: American Families Struggle to Secure Everyday Essentials
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