Lower Cape Fear Branch
Lower Cape Fear Community Partners
We are committed to making our products accessible to families through partnerships with organizations that offer vital wrap-around services.
Our distribution strategy is designed to cater to the unique needs of each county, and we provide support in two ways:
Open Distribution Partnerships: These programs are inclusive, allowing anyone residing in the partnered county to receive our products once a month.
Closed Distribution Partnerships: For individuals to access our products through these programs, becoming a client of the partnering organization is necessary. We aim to ensure that our products are seamlessly integrated into the supportive services offered by these organizations.
Bladen County
Open Partners
Catholic Charities - Wilmington
Closed Partners
Working to fill this essential need. You can help.
Brunswick County
Open Partners
Catholic Charities - Wilmington
Closed Partners
Brunswick County Smart Start Parents as Teachers
Brunswick County Smart Start PAS
Columbus County
Open Partners
Catholic Charities - Wilmington
Closed Partners
Robeson County Nurse-Family Partnership
Working to fill this essential need. You can help.
Duplin County
Open Partners
Duplin Christian Outreach Ministry
Closed Partners
Working to fill this essential need. You can help.
New Hanover County
Open Partners
Catholic Charities - Wilmington
Closed Partners
Community In Schools - BabyFAST
Domestic Violence Shelter & Services
Family Promise of the Lower Cape Fear
Global Connections
Good Shepherd Center
New Hanover County Adult Protective Services
New Hanover County Child Protective Services
New Hanover Regional Medical Center Neonatal Family Advisory Council
New Hanover County Smart Start Parents as Teachers
Pender County
Open Partners
Catholic Charities - Pender County
Pender County Christian Services
Closed Partners
(910) 777-3243
“Mom shared that she is starting a new job and started looking for childcare. When she learned that she would need to bring diapers she panicked- she did not have any money. Without assistance from the diaper bank, she would not have been able to start her job.”
Community Partner Agency, Lower Cape Fear